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Jack Dorsey in a recent Twitter thread announces plans to develop an open and decentralized standard for social media:

"Twitter is funding a small independent team of up to five open source architects, engineers, and designers to develop an open and decentralized standard for social media. The goal is for Twitter to ultimately be a client of this standard. 🧵

Twitter was so open early on that many saw its potential to be a decentralized internet standard, like SMTP (email protocol). For a variety of reasons, all reasonable at the time, we took a different path and increasingly centralized Twitter. But a lot’s changed over the years…

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New features

Settings. The new Settings page makes possible to modify all preferences that are available for your home node and client. Our goal is to give user maximum flexibility. In perspective, settings will be divided into several section to make navigation easier, and the Other section will contain all settings that did not fit anywhere else. Adding a new setting in the node and client code takes just a few seconds: several lines in one configuration file - and the new setting appears in the UI automatically. The UI supports Undo and Reset to default for every setting.

All settings, node and client are stored on the home node. It is possible to keep settings of several clients at the same time.

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If a page is served over HTTPS, modern browsers do not allow it to fetch unencrypted content by HTTP (read about mixed active content on MDN). Since we strongly recommend Moera nodes to serve all content over HTTPS, the client code must also be served over HTTPS, otherwise browser will not allow it to be injected into the page. It is also not possible to access a naming server by HTTP and to connect to home node by HTTP.

You need to take this into account when building a development environment. If you run a development server that serves moera-client-react over HTTP, you will not be able to open HTTPS nodes with it. Using a local HTTP node for development will solve the problem.

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Fixes viewport meta tag in Web UI, making it looking better on mobile.

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New features

Editing and deleting posts. Every update of a post is saved as an individual revision and signed separately. REST API allows to obtain the list of revisions and to restore any of them. When a post is deleted, it is not purged from the database immediately, allowing to restore it afterwards. For now, the client supports only edition and deletion of posts. More advanced features - viewing revisions and deleted posts and restoring them - are present in the API, but not exposed in the UI. All contributions are welcome.

Smaller changes
  • Better handling or errors: new error pages in Web UI and new error codes in REST API.
  • Display posting previews for large posts in Web UI with the link to the full text.

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Welcome to Moera²: the first blog in Moera about Moera! This blog is running on the latest version of Moera node software and may be viewed with Moera client. Try it!

I've filled it with the content from Moera Telegram channel and all updates will be posted in both places, with small differences, because presentation features are not the same. Moera does not support images and link previews yet, but they are planned. Stay tuned!

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Moera browser extension for Chrome v0.1.0 passed verification and now available in Chrome Web Store. Download and install at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/moera/endpkknmpgamhhlojbgifimfcleeeghb.

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New features of the latest node/client release were added to Node API documentation: creating and viewing postings, viewing the timeline.

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Moera browser extension for Firefox v0.1.0 passed verification and now available at Firefox Add-ons. Download and install at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/moera/.

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https://client.moera.org/ is now up and running. Moera web client releases will be published there. The browser extension was changed to use https://client.moera.org/releases/latest by default, so you can try Moera without configuring it.

The current release of the client (v0.1.0) is already published.

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The first publicly accessible Moera naming server is now located at http://naming.moera.org/. It can be used for testing and development, so you don't need to run your own naming server. Moera node and client are now using this server by default.

The naming server does not use a blockchain yet for storing names. It is using a local PostgreSQL database, so there is no decentralization for naming servers for now. But the protocol supports seamless migration to a blockchain at any moment. Implementation of the blockchain for naming is not my top priority at this moment, all development efforts are concentrated around making publication and social features working.

I plan to publish other services (client, browser extension, demo node) soon. The goal is to make a working online demo for Moera that a regular user may play with.

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User's timeline in the Web UI (work in progress).

Note the URL in the address bar. There is no page number in the URL, before= parameter instead points to a moment in time. If new posts are added, the content of the page will not change, because it shows a fixed period of time.

It's a usual problem with forums - you look for a post in a forum, the search engine gives you a link, you go to the forum... but the post is not there, because new posts were added and all the previous posts were moved to next pages. We try to prevent this from happening in Moera. On the other side, the pages will not always contain exactly the same number of posts. But who cares?

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A lawyer for Facebook argued in court Wednesday that the social media site’s users “have no expectation of privacy.”

According to Law360, Facebook attorney Orin Snyder made the comment while defending the company against a class-action lawsuit over the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

“There is no invasion of privacy at all, because there is no privacy,” Snyder said.

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Vitalik Buterin tells about how his views on privacy changed in recent years:

"I'm considerably more pro-privacy than I was a few years ago. A few years ago, my position was closer to "in a well-running society it's probably optimal that everyone sees everything, the value for privacy tech for ordinary people is (i) to let them buy weed, put up beds so people can sleep over in offices, and otherwise circumvent silly regulations, and (ii) to maintain a healthy balance of power, because even if more transparency is good, the government only having the all-seeing eye and everyone else being in the dark would give too much power to the government".

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Started to document the Moera protocols. Shortly about the cryptography that is used and encoding of the data being signed.

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I was asked many times, why to create a new decentralized social network, why not to use an existing one or another? I thought about that, and I can write about each one of them why I think the solution Moera proposes is better. But there is more besides that. Success has many components. Even if the idea is not fairly new, but we implement it the best way, deliver it to customers, make it robust, easy to use, prove it is better than centralized alternatives, motivate users to switch to it, then we didn't waste our effort.

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See complete instructions about setting up the Moera development environment: http://moera.org/development/setup/index.html

Also, in every project there is README.md file containing installation instructions for this particular component.

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Moera overview completed. Enjoy: http://moera.org/overview/

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