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Moera node & client 0.4.0, Moera naming 0.2.0
New features

Events. The client now uses WebSockets/STOMP to get live updates from both the home node and the node the user views currently. New posts, edits, profile and setting changes are now visible immediately. If the connection was lost, the client reconnects automatically and receives all the events that were lost while being offline. Also, if a post or profile is edited from several places in the same time, users receive a warning about the possible conflict.

Signature verification. You can now verify posting signature from the client (this feature requires connection to your home node). Click "author" icon that appears after the name of the author. Your home node will download the posting and verify the signature. The icon becomes green or red - depending on the result of the verification.

Structured body. Posting body (and also the source and the preview) is now a JSON that may contain text, title and (in perspective) - images, attachments, link previews etc. Node owners may switch posting titles on in node Settings, after that the title input field appears in the composer.

Smaller changes
  • Navigation by node name may be closed by pressing Esc key.
  • Author name is now shown in postings. Also, if the posting was copied from some other node, the original receiver name is also displayed.
  • Click by a name redirects user to the corresponding node in both client and Web UI. The node URL is asked from the naming server. If the node URL is not known by the client/Web UI yet, a special redirect link is used, and the naming server request is made after the user clicks it.
  • Naming server URL may be changed in the Settings for both node and client.
  • Short node name (without the generation part) is shown in the navigation field.
  • New "Post" sheet was added to node Settings.
  • Posting signature version is now returned by REST API.
  • Expired tokens and deleted postings are now purged after the configured period of time.
  • New Naming API calls to return name information for some moment of time in the past.
  • bodyPreviewHtml is renamed to bodyPreview (it is JSON now).
  • Menu in Web UI is made usable on mobile.
  • Webmaster name and e-mail may be configured to be used in RSS.
Upgrade notes

This release contains backward incompatible changes to the REST API, you need to upgrade both node and client to the latest version.

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